Tuesday, 7 May 2013


Yesterday was the start of week five.  I've finally gotten a hang of things like cooking, laundry, working and cleaning.  I find that I've been so busy that I haven't even had a minute to sit down and enjoy my new place.

One of my biggest fears with moving was that the stress of bigger responsibilities and a new job would lead to a relapse.  Unfortunately all of this busy-ness and increase in activity has spiked a bit more of my symptoms but luckily nothing too serious.  Like usual, my hands are affected the most.  Currently they are buzzing and just have this general feeling of ache, I don't even know how to explain it.  Plus when I'm walking longer distances, my legs have this "asleep" sensation.  Both things are mostly just a nuisance.

I'm really trying to change my diet for the better, but it's a lot more difficult than I thought!! Friends want to go out to eat and share appetizers and I always says "just this once, I'll be better tomorrow".  From now on I will be obedient and say no!  The whole exercise thing is going slowly.  With the nicer weather, I am starting to walk to/from work! Plus I found a friend to go for walks with after work down by the river.  Next week I'm hoping to have caught up on sleep and I can start waking up earlier to do a quick 30 minute workout video.

Oh PS - the MS walk was on the weekend.  My team of 4 people raised over $3400!!! I'm SO grateful for everyone that supported me by donation, by walking or just by wishing me good luck.  Next year I'll be volunteering...

That is all for now, just wanted to do a quick update.

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