Tuesday 9 April 2013


When I first moved out I made a vow that I would never bring my Macbook or iPad to bed - well I lied. It's been a while since I've posted and it was too cold in the living room. I promise no more after this!

I feel like I'm neglecting you...I really am not, I've just been so busy!! I mostly just wanted to make sure that you all knew that I was still alive and absolutely loving living in this new city in my little apartment! I have been on the go cooking, cleaning, shopping, visiting, working, cleaning, shopping, cooking and partying. Last week I had a night off and I couldn't even sit still, I felt the need to go do something!!

The weather is getting nicer and I started walking more. I've also started eating healthier and both things are making me feel great. Tomorrow I have an appointment with a new naturopath, I'll let you know how that goes. I'm excited to hear her point of view on handling this crazy auto immune disease.

PS I called my ms nurse today to book another appointment with someone to reteach me injection sites as I really suck at rotating. Third times a charm I hope. Do you all rotate properly and use your different areas??